Làm quen với Vim - Editor cho môi trường server
- 06:04
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Linux là một hệ điều hành được điều khiển đa phần qua môi trường dòng lệnh (console), thêm vào đó, các file cấu hình dịch vụ trên Linux thường được chỉnh sửa bởi trình editor là vi (hay vim, bản cải thiện của vi). Nếu bạn là người thường xuyên quản trị server linux qua console, thì vi là trình tiện ích hay sử dụng nhất. Do vậy, học cách sử dụng vi là một yêu cầu tối thiểu và cần thiết cho một người sử dụng linux.
Movement (in command mode only)
- h move left 1 char (can be multipled)
- j move down 1 line (can be multipled)
- k move up 1 line (can be multipled)
- l move right 1 line (can be multipled)
- Ctrl+u move up a paragraph (like page up)
- Ctrl+d move down a paragraph (like page down)
- w move forward one word (can be multipled)
- b move backward one word (can be multipled)
- e move to the end of current word (can be multipled)
- 0 move to first character of this line
- ^ move to first non-blank character of this line
- $ move to last char of this line
- :0 move to first line of file
- gg same as :0
- :$ move to last line of file
- G same as :$
- 4G go to line number 4
in general
- i change to insert mode
- a append - change to insert mode from the next column
- o append a new line below current line and change to insert mode
- O append a new line above current line and change to insert mode
- ESC exit insert mode
- u undo (can be multipled)
- Ctrl+r redo
- :!terminal_command execute terminal_command in console (ex. :!pwd)
with file and windows
- :q quit current file
- :w newfile.txt save a newfile
- :w save current file
- :q! quit current file without saving
- :wq save and quit current file
- ZZ same as :wq
- :qa quit all opening file
- :wqa save&quit all opening file
- :wq save all opening file
- :e path_to_file_without_braces edit this file
- :sp path_to_file_without_braces split windows to edit this file
- :vs path_to_file_without_braces vertical split windows to edit this file
- Ctrl+w h/j/k/l/movement_keys move cursor between windows
text and blocks editing
- x cut char (can be multipled)
- c change char
- cw change word (can be multipled)
- s subtitude char (can be multipled)
- r replace char (can be multipled)
- dd cut current line (can be multipled)
- dw cut 2 words (can be multipled)
- dG cut till the end of this file
- D cut from cursor position till the end of this line
- p paste after cursor
- P paste before cursor
- yy yank this line (can be multipled)
- yw yank 2 words (can be multipled)
- . repeat previous command
- /text search for "text" in this file
- n next search result
- :s/text1/text2 replaces the first instance of text1 with text2
- :%s/text1/text2 replaces all instances of text1 with text2
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